Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ;
10:08 PM

大家好. 六月考试成绩应该都领回了吧!对于那些考得好的同学,继续加油。考不好的,就好好检讨,把不懂的弄到懂为止。千万不要胡思乱想~

雨过总会天晴,不管是狂风暴雨,还是连绵小雨,总有停的时候。所以,不要害怕雨天的黑暗,坚持到底的人一定会看见雨后美丽的彩虹。 :)



“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. ”

English version:

Hi boys and girls! By now, you should all have gotten back your JCT results. For those who did well, congratulations, keep on working hard! for those who did not, do some self reflection and make clear your doubts! dont think too much and continue working hard!

After the rain, it will always be accompanied by lovely weather. Be it a big heavy thunderstorm, or just a slight drizzle, the rain will stop somehow. So do not be frightened by the blustery skies and the threatening weather; only those who persist will be able to see that magnificent and beautiful seven coloured rainbow at the end. (:

(refers back to 2nd picture)

This is a picture of a double rainbow I took when i was in Taiwan. One being more obvious than the other, but if you strain just by a bit, perhaps you'll be able to see it in the picture. The picture was taken bright and early in the morning. Why would I be able to take the picture at that point of time? Thats because, initially i wanted to see the beautiful sunrise from the top of a hill in taiwan, but there was slight rain, just when everyone was disappointed, it came out this beautiful double rainbow. so, seeing from another perspective, it is all thanks to this slight drizzle, that allowed us to see something out of the ordinary.

so, do not ever see JCT results as permernant failure. Rather, bounce back high, work hard, and finally gain success in all of your A levels.

oh yeah, one more thing before i go,
this was from the VP to the j2s when i was a j2:

If you wanna go fast, go alone. if you wanna go faster, go together.
Hope that you all stay bonded and help each other. Wishing you guys all the best and may success come to all of you.

-Ms Yap, ye lao shi(:

22/08- the class that rocks(: