Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ;
5:47 AM
I always see this funny looking vegetable (or flower bud?) in the grocery store, and the name is Artichoke. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artichoke) Many times I walked past it and wondered, is this edible? Do we have this in Singapore? I guess I was not on the market scene long enough to answer that.

Finally I bought one when it was on sale at USD2.50. Very expensive considering it does not even make a meal. I rushed home to look at recipes to cook it, just need to boil with water, garlic, bay leaves for half an hour and it is done, easy!

The fleshy part at the bottom of each leaf is the edible part, will not recommend the top part which is fibrous and bitter. I just have to put the leaf into my mouth and use my teeth to scrape the ends off.

Online recipes recommend dipping into butter, and it actually taste quite good! Creamy, soft, a little mushroom-y flavour without the chewiness.
Do I like it? Well, I don't mind it, I probably will buy it again.
Mrs. Lim

22/08- the class that rocks(:

Friday, February 6, 2009 ;
7:12 PM
Hello, just a quick run-down on the content that's been covered this week for the OGLs. Hope it helps. If there's any incorrect information, kindly edit it and highlight accordingly. Can someone fill in the parts for Econs and GP? =)

1. Chapter 5: Vector Product of Vectors (fully completed)
2. Chapter 6: Vector Equation of a Straight Line (completed up to pg 4, before exercise 2)

1. Photosynthesis (completed up to pg 15, Comparison between Non-cyclic and Cyclic photophosporylation table filled in)
Note: Photosynthesis lecture 1 is uploaded onto Matrix2.

1. Proteins (fully completed)
2. Isomerism (completed up to pg 8: Chiral Molecules, Achiral Molecules and Chiral Centres)

a. Tutorial 2 - Position Vectors and Ratio Theorem (Basic Questions 1 - 9 done, POYO skipped, Harder Questions 1 done)
b. Tutorial 3 - Scalar Product of Vectors (Recap and Summary done, Basic Questions 1-8 done, POYO not done this week and will be skipped until specially requested to go through certain questions)
Note: Due to start on Vector Product of Vectors next week

a. Cellular Respiration (done up to Question 3f)
b. 1st SPA practice post-mortem done.

a. Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids (finished up to MCQ, supplementary questions not gone through)
b. Organic Halogen Compounds (Question 1a, 1b, 1c and 2a done)

- Class test next week! (Topics covered: Genetics, Respiration, Photosynthesis)*
- Make-up SPA practice for OGLs (Date*)

- SPA this week was canceled. Due to start on first practical next week.
- Lecture test 1 on 18 Feb. (Topics covered: Alkanes to Proteins)

Class CIP
- Please remember about the CIP reflections!

Have a good weekend.

22/08- the class that rocks(:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 ;
8:56 PM
It's day 3 of JC1 Orientation Undefined. I hope the OGLs in the class are really enjoying themselves :)
Here's some pictures my friend has sent me and I thought they look really nice, so I decided to post them here. And there's a link to this very unique animal which she showed me.

~Li Ling

Ermine in winter

Ermine in summer

22/08- the class that rocks(:

1:11 PM
I bought a hummingbird feeder online and decided to try it out. I have seen these cute hummies hovering around my complex and saw some neighbours having the feeders on their patio.

The liquid inside is simply sugary water (brown sugar, hence the colour). Many people add edible red colouring as well to attract the hummingbirds, but I read that it could be carcinogenic, so we decided to leave that out. The centre of the yellow flowers are where the birds will draw out the sugar treat.

Days 1 and 2 I did not pay much notice to the feeder hanging on our balcony.

Today is day 3, and there was a power short circuit, the entire neighbouhood is out of electricity, so I decided to stay and watch if there would be any hummies out there. After a short while,

There you go, a hummingbird comes to visit! Such cute fellas! I read also that they will remember the place where they found food and will visit again. This evening alone I had 5 sightings of at least 2 hummingbirds (a male and a female), not bad!

Mrs Lim

22/08- the class that rocks(: