Friday, January 23, 2009 ;
9:19 PM
okay, hey guys. jermain here.hahaha. updating the class blog, as the title states, the post will be about the class cip held from the 9-10th December 2008. I guess no one has really posted up about anything yet right? so for memories sake, i shall type a reeaaally long wordy-pictury post for this one. Cos, i kindda feel this is one of the major events that our class has been through as a whole. okay, and for the benefit of everyone, here goes, btw, there're no pictures on the first day, so unless if you're relaly bored do read through, am blogging cos am tired from today's CNY celebration. haha. okay, so before i begin, many thanks to lavina, vanessa, khehyang and annette for the pictures taken during the cip. haha. and also to everyone who worked hard for this event, especially our class reps vannessa and soon hui. haha.
okay, so after about 2 travel downs to the centre at pending(near chua chu kang) for some preparation the days finally arrived, the cip days. Us excited? nervous? sianned? just mixed feelings i guess in everyone. But i guess, almost all of us had to drag our unconcious bodies up at like 6am to meet at bedok to head down all the way to chua chu kang. haha, and many of us slept late the previous night i guess. Like jingjing, van and I had band concert the day before. I guess we all went home late, and, yup, so basically everyone was feeling more of tired and sianned i guess. hahaha. So Annette and vannessa went to the front of the centre to prepare the administratives, rest of us in the "heaven room" preparing all the stuff for the kids, and some of us at the main hall. Basically, the centre has, a room just for us, a main hall(which is like 3 rooms big) and a small corridor, with a void deck area outside and a big net ball court for us to use.
so thereafter, the kids finally arrived, split into groups. and the group ics did some warm up games. Sihui, Shawn and I were in the same group, with judith and khehyang in one, lavina, Samuel, Shing jiuan in one, and hong lii and yuan teng were the leaders of another group. haha. The rest were helping out with logistics, station masters, etc and so many other things! we started off in small groups some small ice breaker games. I guess the most common one for everyone is blow wind blow. Kids from all different sizes, shapes, ages, from the youngest being primary 2 to the oldest being secondary 1. games like 007, tempo game were being played as well. Thereafter, the class joined everyone, and played 2 big ice breaker games, blow wind blow, and hunter-squirrel-tree game. haha. i still cant forget the last part of that game.
-awkward silence-
softly: "earthquake".
haha, which was kindda irritating, but nvm, for fun's sake. haha. anyhow, thereafter, everyone self introed.

okay anyhow, here's a pic of everyone's name tag. The first activity after that, TIKI MAKING. I guess thats when everyone suddenly found everything difficult. First of all, trying to get the group together were really hard things. There were a significantly larger number of malay boys, and chinese girls. so, i guess trying to get them to draw things on the tiki was really hard. Or well, alot of conviction, energy, nice tone was being spent onto them. i guess that was when we all learnt that dealing with kids wasnt such an easy task after all. well, at least from what i remembered. haha. Tried to convince and convince, some worked, some didnt. but it was just hard. haha, so after 2 hours of ordeals, all of us pulled through and all 4 groups had their tikis made. It was lunch thereafter, did a hungry cheer, with shawn, and thereafter, headed for the next activity, station games. Haha, but during lunch, alot of us headed back to "heaven room" to get some peace from the kids, well, except for really nice souls like judith and khehyang who stayed with them to eat. haha, thereafter, station games.
Okay, i guess the kids enjoyed this one the most. It consisted of, the dark obstacle course, the draw, act, guess, the run run game, and the picking up things with bamboo game. Okay well, the dark obstacle course wasnt meant to be scary, but i guess we added the element of fear just for fun's sake. haha. The kids i guess really enjoyed that one, and also those who prepared the course i guess really took a lot of hard work into doing it.Draw, act, guess was also really fun towards them i guess. Or well, the whole station games really got the rest of them really happy. Or well, at least enjoying themselves. I guess, after this, the kids was just really looking forward into playing more station games. haha. Tea break after that.
Did the mass dance after that, when apparently the class went mad with the kids into dancing into the tune of speedy, with Lihui and Lavina as the instsructors! haha. and finally day one's over. I guess everyone was reaaaally tired after the first day from all the highness, well, i rememberd shouting alot also, which earned me the nickname shouty. haha. and also others who got nicks too, like, shorty, giant, ali baba, well, haha, i guess. yup, The class really got really tired thereafter and just went really tired at the heaven room. haha. but after it was over, lihui revised with soon hui on the dance steps, decided to join in.

TA-DA. haha. finally, a picture after long. haha. okay, im blocking soonhui, but still. hahaha. okay, the class went to pasta mania at the nearby mall, and thereafter headed back all the way to east with everyone feeling really lethargic on the ride. i guess everyone was really tired thereafter. haha.
Again, second day, the morning's about the same, everyone feeling really tired, dragging unconcious bodies again. but some of us met for breakfast at pasir ris first. Okay, the 2nd day there was slightly better, cos the kids were sort of warmed up to us already, so i guess they were more cooperative in a sense. The day started off with a second set of station games. We were supposed to have an excursion, but i guess it got cancelled off due to administrative problems. Warmed them up with mass games again at the void deck.
Then, the station games started, well, at least the 2nd set of station games started. They will have to do a whole new different set of things. But for now, i can only remember, telling ghost stories to jocelyn which have to try making her scared, going into a dark room and using do-re-mi to get a blind folded person all around the place to reach for a certain object, guessing the person/person's face by means of powerpoint, where we will first block the picture with boxes, and slowly remove one by one. haha. cant remember the last one. But yeah, everyone was more cooperative in a way.. haha. below are some pictures from telling the ghost stories to jocelynn.

Okay, then thereafter, lunch, cheered, this time group leaders were being asked to eat with the members, so yup, squeezed there. then went to to building a ship with recycled materials. And woa, kids can really surprise you with the level of intelligence they have nowadays. 4 cool ships were being built. haha. and yup. they had to earn the materials to build the ship. Like doing butt dances to get paper, or markers, just asking from Daniel, or having to tell 3 good things about your group leaders to get cardboard. But ahh, they sure amazed me all right. haha. Well, some shots of what happened then:

When finished, everyone played captain's ball. I guess, had some fun? haha. and finally, the last 2nd event was 2 games, some rafia string like game where you had to go through a maze of strings and if i didnt remember wrongly, picking up objects with bamboos. I guess, they had alot of fun with the maze as well, cos it was kindda hard, and its dark. okay, i guess everyone looks for excitement. haha.

^Captain's ball!
^Here's jason preparing the string during lunch
And finally, the last day had come to a close end. haha. Prize presentation after that, and lihui taught some of the kids who were being chosen for some performance the mass dance. Every group won something of course. haha. i mean, yup, who likes to lose. And pictures of group ICs with their groups:

FINALLY, everyone headed back to heaven room, and BABOMED. hahah. rested. heard mr vijoo debrief:
^and finally, 1 last class shot with mr vijoo. haha.
and that marks the end of the class CIP. everyone learnt alot in a way i guess, and we've finally had a taste of how being parents are like. well, hands are tired from typing, and its 11.54pm here.haha. so yup. off-
p.s. omg, sorry for the long and detailed post, haha, gosh, eye pain. haha, but well, a page for the class to remember. haha.
Labels: children, CIP
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Saturday, January 10, 2009 ;
5:57 AM
Hi my dear students,
Sorry for my absence, I have been away on a road trip with some teachers from TJC. 4 of them came to visit me and we managed a road trip together, travelling around California. Arizona, Nevada and spending Christmas and New Year together. Nothing beats having familiar faces around, the company was great, and the scenery of the places we visited was simply breath-taking.

Bellagio Las Vegas

Skiing at Mt Rose, Lake Tahoe

Disneyland, LA

Great company!
Grand Canyon covered in snow, blocked by thick clouds. Arizona

Universal Studios, LA
Whenever my students move up to JC2, I always feel they mature overnight, and are more focused in whatever they do. I hope you all will adjust well into your final year in TJC and get used to endless tests and extra lessons prepared for you. Perhaps you can think from the standpoint of the teachers, before any paper is given for you to try out, many hours were put into it from scratch to finish, and the marking that teachers have to do to identify your weak areas/ misconception actually helps you. Extra lessons are there to give you more opportunity to ask your tutors questions, and by giving you extra coaching, this does not mean that the teacher gets less duties from the school. So, no complaining ok, you simply got to push yourself all the way this time round.
And no more skipping lessons or missing lectures. You guys do the right thing ok? If not when I return I will hunt you down.
You guys take good care, and watch out for each other, be kind to one another.
Mrs. Lim
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Friday, January 2, 2009 ;
3:56 PM
Hi 22/08,
Happy new year! Time flies and we are now in 2009 :)
I'm dropping by to see how you guys are doing lah, as well as sharing how I have been coping all this while in university.
I'm having my semester break and will be starting school like you all on 12th Jan. For the past few months, uni life has been really hectic with studies and involvement in CCA. Perhaps without much surprise, I joined this CCA called NUS Political Association and will be organising a Current Affairs/ General Knowledge Quiz, targetting students like you all, to be held next year.
Hectic yes but nonetheless it was fulfilling. Got back my uni results for first semester just 2 days before Xmas (on 23/12), but luckily performed beyond expectations so I guessed I had a rather smooth first semester in university.

If you cant see clearly, I'm on the extreme left of the photo. Basically, me and my friends were wearing the ceremonial military uniform which we called the "No. 1". We were helping our superior, who was getting married, to be his swordbearers for the wedding ceremony. Was an interesting experience and just some of the events/ things I did during this semester break.
2009 is the A Level year and just like any other year, without u realising, you would have finished your JCTS, prelims, A Levels and attended Grad nite. So do treasure the year ahead spent with the class because time really flies!!
Hmm...if there's one thing to bring over from 2008, I think is Barack Obama's (testing your General Paper here ar) message of 'Yes, We Can'.
The year ahead will be challenging but I believe if you all are willing to work hard, never give up and lend each other a helping hand (so important I feel!!), YES, everyone can achieve what they set out to achieve for the year, especially for A Levels :)
This feels so much like a motivational speech...haha..but oh wells...I wish everyone has a blessed year ahead as I return to catch the episodes of Little Nonya I missed :P Take care!
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Sihui(:! SISI.
01061991; Gemini