Sunday, August 31, 2008 ;
2:00 PM
I wish all tutors of CG 2208 a happy Teachers' Day and hope that they enjoy the one week holiday/break from teaching.
To fellow classmates: mug hard for Promos :)
To Mrs Lim: Thank you for your wonderful Bio and civics lessons. Enjoy your life in US. we will miss you dearly :)
To Mrs Ang: Thank you for the sweets during lessons. We love you too <3
To Mr Goh: Thank you for your patience to teach us. We will do our best for Chem during exams ;)
~Li Ling
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Saturday, August 30, 2008 ;
9:50 PM
Hey ppl, staff day was a blast. I hope all our teachers have a good break during the sept hols. I want to thank all our tutors for being so patient with our class =D . Its a pity that Mrs Lim wasn't around to share in the celebrations... anyway, must all study hard for promos already to make sure Mrs Lim didn't waste her effort teaching us! Once again, happy staff day to all tutors!
p.s next yr buy more food. the cake was too small =P
and i hope no one minds that i made the font size bigger
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Friday, August 29, 2008 ;
12:22 AM

Dear students,
It's been a while since I last blogged here, I have been busy with my world tour, ha...(actually was busy meeting up with ex-colleagues, friends, relatives, ah ma, family, everyone!) There were also plenty of things to buy in preparation of the trip and plenty of things to throw out too. Packing took days and we are about 90% done now. Many friends who have stayed in the States have also given advice on what to do when we get there, what we can buy there and should not bring, what is lacking there and we must pack into our bags..a lot of things to take care of, and I feel like a fully independent grown-up finally, having to worry about housing, transport, 3 meals a day and starting all over again.
I went back to NUS today to request for my transcripts. The procedure took only a while and I had lots of time to look around the place. I took the shuttle buses a few times to cover most part of the school and lots of memories surfaced. Indeed, time flies and I have graduated from this place for years already. As a student I wondered how working life would be like, how would my students be like, how would my colleagues and bosses be like...I really enjoyed myself in TJ, really...
This week I also learnt to make Tiramisu from one of the TJ teachers so that my husband will have something different to eat rather than the usual dishes. It was quite nice in fact. I also excitedly welcomed a new baby into this world! (not mine, but a friend's, remember I am not preggy, haha). I will be visiting the baby in the hospital tomorrow, this is so exhilarating! Was worried that I will miss all the action and fussing over the newborn :)
How are you all getting on? I hope you are still enjoying every bit of college life. I will try to update all of you how I am getting on. I also hear that some of you might turn up at the airport, please stay at home alright? As I said, time flies, and I will be home really, really soon.
Gonna miss so many of you...
Mrs. Lim
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Sunday, August 24, 2008 ;
8:48 PM
hihi. I've been absent for class for 3 days due to Science attachment in IMCB. here's 2 photos taken during the attachment :)
the 2 instructors Ron and Ronnie. haha.
the whole group :)
~Li Ling
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Monday, August 18, 2008 ;
11:35 PM
Err.. Hi there. XD Oh well, I dont think all of you here knows me. I am sorry but I have decided to post this entry in Chinese. *YAhOooO~ Chinese!*
哇哈哈~某个人又要在这里宣传使用华文了。。。没有办法,我的英文实在不怎么好。年底考试快到了,大概多2个星期吧!华文会考也快到了吧~再加上或多或少恐怖的PW,你们不少人一定已经感到肩上无比的重担。因此,我把自己最爱的胶擦拍下来给你们作为鼓励。加油!!NO ENTRY TO BREAK DOWN~
对于又要换华文老师之间事,我希望你们的心情不要被影响。学校也是比不得已,而且中招的不只你们班。反正,不管谁是新老师,他/她进课室都有同样的目的,就是要教你们华文,要让你们的华文进步。请不要逃课!Please dont skip class! Sila jangan ponteng kelas. (你们的Pon就是马来文的ponteng)
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Sunday, August 10, 2008 ;
9:45 PM
Happy belated National Day to you all! Hope the short-lived holidays have been a gd break from the hectic JC life, particularly from all the tests held in the past week :)
So what has happened in Mr Ho's life for the past 2 weeks since he finally left TJ??
Hmm.....nothing more than spending whatever time which was available to smoothen the transition to uni life and going out with friends (uni friends, JC friends etc)..
Uni life....if u would like to compare to what u all are currently experiencing as JC students, is definitely very in university is heavily based on independent learning and also taking the initiative to get things lecturer or tutor is going to guide you step by step with regards to the tasks or readings that need to be if can, do yourself a favour by starting to take more initiative in whatever work you are doing now in JC so uni life wouldnt be that tough to transit to :)
Even as im writing this post, im feeling a tinge of anticipation and excitement since school is finally going to start in like another 12 hrs time..hah...and guess what..the first uni lecture im attending is an Econs lecture and the content is similar to what i have taught u all the past few months since it is an introductory lecture.....i think i will be so paiseh in the event i didnt score well for this particular econs module im taking :X
Hmm....i guess then, as a uni arts student, what excites me is the opportunity to study things which i have interests in, taking modules that speak to my passion bah...for eg this semester, the modules i will be taking include 1) introduction to econs, 2) introduction to political sci 3) introduction to japanese studies 4) a history module about Asia and 5) a Japanese studies module looking at Geisha and Samurai ..yupyup
Oh well, even as i look forward to uni life, i still miss the time in TJ, not only as a relief teacher but also when i was a student...since TJ was like my second home for the past few years i have been there...hmm...but LIFE GOES ON and i will drop by occasionally with the free time i have to pay u all a visit not jus in the blog but also physically in school :)
Cheers :)
Mr Ho
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Thursday, August 7, 2008 ;
12:18 AM
Hi everybody! By the time u read this my Taiwan buddy would have returned back 2 Taiwan. Haix. Now I will be all alone at home again. Although its really taxing on my grades as well as on the rate which I complete my homework, I feel that it is worth every minute and second because its not extremely common 2 have someone from another country homestaying in your house. Futhermore, its has an unnatural feeling especially if u r a single child (like ME!)
Well... As for the part which all the girls say he's very handsome (especially the NJC girls), all I have got 2 say is that he feels quite suprised (or at least is faking it REALLY well) with the attention he's been getting.
He could make really funny unintentional one-liners in class, for example :"你们都会讲中文的啊!" - You all know how 2 speak chinese!
Oh well, even though he says that I shouldn't do it, I encourage everyone here to visit his blog! The website address is offers to anyone who wants to be packed into my luggage when I go 2 homestay at his house in Taipei!
Lee Bai Song Samuel
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 ;
9:51 PM

Yup! Went missing for a while to hide my "chipmunk" face from the world. Now the swollen cheeks are better but I still have some traces of blood from my 3 wounds, hee...
I removed the wisdom teeth because they might be a potential source of worry a few years down the road. I saw them in my dental x-ray years back, but did not think much about it because like everyone else, we only go to the dentist when the pain starts right? But since I will be away for quite a while and have time on my hands, so...
It was quite traumatic for me as you all know I didn't like needles at all. I opted for the general anaesthesia via gas. I was reassured that I will be gassed out, but as I lay unglamourous on the cold operating theatre bed feeling all ready, a new doctor appeared and held my left hand,"Why won't you let us give you a prick at the back of your hand, my dear? We can give you a lot of things that will really help you with the surgery, you know..." I knew it, it's the inevitable now.
The doctors and nurses were really gentle and tried to talk to me to divert my attention while they looked for my tiny green vein to insert the needle, and before I knew it, it was done. I looked at the needle stucked into my hand and it was not too bad. Not to the extent I will start yelling at everyone. Then they passed me the gas mask and obediently I breathed in and out a few times, and before I know it, "wake up, the surgery's over, wake up."
The first few post-surgery hours were more tormenting. Blood was everywhere! Ok, I am exaggerating here, but there was no end to the bleeding for hours. Every other patient who went through the same procedure left, and I was the last one, with 2 gauzes stuffed into my mouth, on the wounds to stop the bleeding. At long last the bleeding subsided and I was discharged from the hospital.
As I was under GA, I was really groggy and blur, for the next few days. I only ate and slept and watched TV throughout the week, doing little else. Was given 8 days MC but I actually didn't need it, ha! I opened the container that held my 3 wisdom teeth today and finally took a look at them. 2 were whole but one was in pieces. I supposed they sawed/drilled it into pieces for easy removal. Erm, there were also some bits of brown stuff that looked like remnants of gums, yup.
Anyway, just to share my experience here, not to scare you all. It really is quite painless and bearable. Some of you might need to go through it sooner than others, but it really is ok. I survived. Yup.
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Saturday, August 2, 2008 ;
11:29 AM
Hey 22/08ians. (:
jermain here. haha. okay, as you guys know, my blogging style is like. those can express in 10 words, will end up expressing in 1000000000000 words. So, haha, i guess, i will spare you guys the eyes la, hur. okay, here's our group for pilot test, as in on the diving trip, i shall let the pictures to narrate the story yup! haha, if you guys wann more juice, just go to my blog and read the latest post all rights.(:. cheers(:

haha, it was awesome seeing how the whole diving trip was conducted, and how natural and beautiful pulau hantu looked. Perhaps, next time, we shall organise a class treasure hunt/ class bbq or something at pulau hantu all rights! hte place is just down right awesome and beautiful. haha. many cheers!
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Sihui(:! SISI.
01061991; Gemini