Sunday, July 27, 2008 ;
7:40 PM
the photo of class' a bit blur, but nvm! cuz can still identify each member of the class :)
maybe one day Mrs Ang and Mr Goh can also come to post entries in the blog. LOL.
Everyone must have enjoyed the e learning week when we dun need to go to school, maybe not the time of screen staring for at least 10 hours ba. especially MATHS lecture! what "great experience".
a gentle reminder: please visit the nearest optometrist for an eye checkup ;) haha
~Li LinG
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Friday, July 25, 2008 ;
8:31 PM


NOT SHY(: TGT at last.

22/08- the class that rocks(:
Thursday, July 24, 2008 ;
11:30 PM
HEARTFELT THANKS to all who have helped despite your busy schedules! :D
Without you guys, nothing is possible!
We love you all(:
Cheers 22/08.
Arigatou gozaimasu!
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Monday, July 21, 2008 ;
5:10 PM

Dear students,
Nice blog! Glad to see so many people in action in the class blog!
Wow, I really feel appreciated by all of you when I flipped the Little Black Book. It certainly means a lot to me to know that I have made a difference to you all. I showed off to Mr. Lim the husband the moment I reached home from the Parent-tutor dialogue :P
It is amazing that you all managed to put everything together in such a short time and furnished the pages with baby photos too. How cute some of you looked! I decided to share mine too.
I am currently tying up loose ends in the office and trying to help out in whatever I can to the department. I am also taking forever to clear my stuff from the tables and drawers. Just handed over the excuse letters and MCs to Mr. Goh, haha, your class has far too many such papers! I got to use a box to contain them. Students, time to take good care of yourselves and not fall sick already, ok?
Make wise use of time during this E-learning week. There is a time for everything, and now's the season to work hard. Some of you promised to send me your A level certs next year, I will be waiting!
Mrs. Lim
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Friday, July 18, 2008 ;
11:26 PM
hey! My first time blogging in the class blog. Whoo :)
If you click onto everybody's name, there will be a short profile appearing. For mine, it's 1444. its a perfect square! haha. Go work it out ;) It's created by Kang Wei of 3108. Have a good laugh after calculating.
There should be more songs added to the Songs Tab :) Like "When You Look Me In The Eyes" by Jonas Brothers, "Clumsy" by Fergie, "No Promises" by Shayne Ward, "That's The Way It Is" by Celine Dion.
And we must add a column for CLASS PHOTOS! yea :)
*Li Ling
22/08- the class that rocks(:
9:23 PM
well....guess the class is upset abt too......rong sheng even wrote in the black book" why must you leave us"...well guess it's time to let go and move on......but let wish mrs lim at the best for whatever she do....u will have our support......oh ya....and thks for the really make me feel that u are a real real caring teacher...perhaps one of the best teacher i ever had....thks for all........thks for knowing and willing to share so much......haha....but anw i'm not really not afraid of's not really what it is......oh..nvm....shall talk abt it next time.....
oh ya....thks to mrs ang ....our pw grp managed to hang on till now....thks for your encouragement when mshs refused to work with us at the last min....haha......ok.....that will be all i will say for now.......catch you guys around soon!
22/08- the class that rocks(:
9:20 PM
the ans is: jermain baby photo....ahha
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ;
9:26 PM
Is stress getting to your head? Feeling kinda jittery in class, panicky at home or having isommia at night? Here are several tips for relieving stress.
1) Buy a one-way airticket to Afganistan and live there for 10 years.
Its guranteed that you will be more than willing to return back to Singapore after your long, relaxing vacation.
2) Collect snails and slugs from a nearby garden to pour salt over them.
The viciousness of the snails and slugs shrivelling from the salt is a sure-fire way to brighten up your day. What a great way to learn about osmosis too (Bio SPA).
3) Open your phone directory, call a random person and claim to be from a pizza store. Then, confirm an imaginary list of 'ordered' food and say that it would arrive at the person's doorstep shortly.
Who doesn't love a splice of pizza cut straight from its introns, still hot and fresh.
4) Redo ALL the primary 3
xi zi (chinese practise writing) for fun.
Your hand would be so painful that you wouldn't notice that your head hurting from stress.
5) Drink 1.0mol/dm3 of acidified potassium maganate (VII).
Its rumoured to be beneficial for the stomach and kidneys. Besides, it would turn you into a nice shade of purple.
6) Edit the entries on Wikipedia, especially articles regarding Maclaurins series.
Don't you find Maclaurins especially excitable, just like a public holiday or soap bubbles popping?
7) Make a new frienemy.
Its a cross-breed between a friend and an enemy and its all the rage in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Even well known stars are rumoured to follow this trend.
8) Produce 998.9 potato chips of dimensions 30mm x 5mm x 5mm.
Got a scapel in 1 hand? Tweezers in the other? What are you waiting for?
9) Drop a block of pure Potassium metal into hot, concentrated sulphuric acid.
Write a book about your experiences then and i gurantee you that it will be a best seller.
Are you ready...
Drumroll please...
10) Sit back, relax and take one thing at a time. Things that you can change, change. Things that you cannot change (like the JCTs score), don't bother. Remember, always look towards your future!
Please don't hold me liable for any distress, injury, death or damage to property after following the above advice.
LEE BAI SONG SAMUEL (copyrighted)
22/08- the class that rocks(:
1:20 AM
it's wk 4 of term 3!
are you happy!
promos is coming! wheeeeee.
im going mad!
everyone jiayou jiayou!
all the way for PW!
<3 vanessa
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Saturday, July 12, 2008 ;
1:01 AM
hey guys.
whew. okay. 2 more phases to go for this blog, and we're done. fill you guys in on the details.
phase 3: inserting of your lovely handsome and pretty faces into your profiles
inserting in music(i alr collated the songs you guys want but im not sure why it's not showing, haha, i'll try to figure out asap) but the player is at this site--> i can't find, Nan ren nu ren and jay chou and mariah carey i randomly grab songs. hope it's k.
and phase 4: is, haha, eg, you guys click on the teachers name, the top picture will change to featuring us with that specific us. [this is DAMN HARD TO DO] but i shall try. haha. just putting in all your profiles took me some time, but i guess it's fine alr right.(:.
haha, we shall let mrs lim know bout this k(:.
and for jcts, jiayou jiayou everybody, im sure you guys will do well for promos. COS WE'RE 22/08 WHICH IS THE CLASS THAT ROCKS. so, let's all jiayou together for promos k. Everyone's feeling down, yeah i know, well, congrats to those which did well, and yeah the rest, let's all jiayou.(:.
and, haha, soon hui,will teach you how to use this so that you can announce things here k.(:.
Lili, don't worry, we won't bully you lers. (go check your profile)
yup, so tts about it. okay, cya guys round.(:
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Friday, July 11, 2008 ;
9:01 PM
yo ppl!
first time my class got a class blog. thx to Jerm for this bright idea.
been in this class for a term+, being a 3rd intaker =_= i think our class rox!! although i think im getting out of touch with the class, i dun even noe wat air pork and F4 mean. lol anyway i hope no one commits suicide over JCT. (nt worth it) and well i agree with li hui that JC sux but we have to make the best out of it.
and btw, i do have lunch with the class once in a while! about class plant, i think we have to do something. its being choked by the grass, i can hardly see it. the 22/08 placard is also gone =(
random stuff:
li hui is not the only girl in class
i hate pw
there's no geog rep
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Thursday, July 10, 2008 ;
11:10 PM
heyy peepps!
the class blog is finally out all THANKS TO JERMAIN! hahas.
being in this class for 4 mths plus, though a second intaker, i am staring to fall in love with this class. LOL. the establishment of F4 or air pork (thou the names really sucks and i dont like it!) tgth with the biggest ah beng jason, MCP keh yang, authistic jing-a-ling-a-ling and many many other stupidest thg our class can ever come up with really spices up life la. i bet everyone cant agree more that JC is driving us madd every second and we dread school everyday. guess all we can do now is just make most fun out of this class! thou all our nice nice hip kind teachers are gone. we shall cultivate new feelings for the new teachers okies? hahahs. all we shall form covalent bonds between us okies? promise? WOAH. JCT post effect. hmmm...
and WARNING to some 22/o8-ers:
1. SHAWN! stopp poking my arms. really got blueblack la. violent. X)
2. JERMAIN and KHEH YANG! you two stop sayying me and hoo okies. if not my face will alway look black to you and will never utter a single word during pw meeting ever again. i meant it la! seem like you all more crazy over him then me. ARGHH!
3. HONG LII! where is my papaya? still dare critise me. LOL.
4. JASON! love your sister. <3
5. SOONHUI, QIMIN, LILING, DANIEL! must have more lunch meals with us somedayy horrs. we are 22/08!
i will continue to update this list. hehehe. =)
random DIScLAIMER! mr hoo is a HIMBO! wheee...
and our class plant is dying. sobbs.
~lihui (: the NOISY girl in class~
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Sunday, July 6, 2008 ;
12:43 PM
haha. wee hoo~ class blog(:
22/08- the class that rocks(:
Sihui(:! SISI.
01061991; Gemini